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Tech Takeover: Consumer Electronics Show 2018


Las Vegas was a buzz last week as the annual Consumer Electronics Show was in town! Hundreds of

thousands of people poured over thousands of exhibits to see the latest wave of new technology in the

seemingly unending flood of updated gadgets and new releases. To put it simply: We heart technology

weather it be out of necessity or necessity be out of addiction. We have to have it!

This year was no different in that regard but one major difference this year was size! The floor space was increased

significantly to make room for self-driving cars! As a matter of fact Artificial Intelligence was on display

at many exhibits as digital assistants continue to become more advanced in their functionality.

The IQs of cars and homes are on the rise as “smart” everything is in demand. Washing machines,

refrigerators, nearly all home appliances are all now being made to allow internet access. The long term

vision is greater however. Smart cities are on the horizon. Augmented and virtual reality and new cell

phone network technology were also some the many exciting new features we may start to see in our

daily lives.

The technology is coming faster than we can adapt or afford with no signs of slowing down. But how can

we keep up?! How does the influx of electronics effect us?

29.4 million computers are were disposed of in 2009 but only 18 million were recycled properly. For

every computer that is thrown away you can imagine the other equipment with it. Printers, Faxes,

External hard drives. 50% of e-waste is from the disposal of televisions and computer monitors,

however, only 17% of televisions are recycled safely. Little Miss Recycle collects all these things and

more then disposes of it safely! That means millions less tons of lead, mercury, and cadmium

polluting our groundwater and soil. Moreover, according the EPA, recycling just one

million laptop computers can save the amount of energy used by nearly 4,000 U.S.

homes annually! See how big an impact recycling our electronics can have?!

Call us at Little Miss Recycle to safely remove your unwanted electronics and dispose

of them in a way that helps our environment.

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